You can expect to be greeted by warm and friendly smiles!

We’re really glad you’re considering Discover Life as a place to visit. It is our joy and honor to have you join our church family for a Sunday worship service. Take a few moments and review the bullet points below to see what you can expect when you’re with us:
Life can be tough. Our aim is to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere where you can connect to God and people in a way that’s safe and encouraging.
Please come as you are! We are glad that you are thinking about visiting. You will find people dressed down and dressed up — jeans, t-shirts, business casual, tennis shoes & dress shoes. We want you to wear whatever is comfortable for you! We believe that your heart attitude in worship matters more than your clothes.
Our children’s worship experience is designed from start to finish to help them to KNOW GOD, GROW IN HIM, and GO FOR HIM. Right at the top of the list is a safe environment to ensure our parents can have peace of mind while they’re enjoying their worship experience.
We believe the Word of God needs to be practical enough for every person who hears it… to be able to apply it in a way that empowers them to experience the “abundant life” Jesus Christ purchased for them at Calvary.
We believe God desires to speak to His people today. To do so, He uses people who have a “prophetic gift” to provide insight and foresight to His children. Ultimately, God’s intent is to build us up and strengthen us for our journey. We expect God to reveal Himself in a way that confirms His care and reassures us of His active engagement in our lives.